Monday, 14 March 2011

Leaving on a jet plane

view from plane

view of NY from plane
13th March 2011 has finally arrived.  A guardian angel  by the name of Daniel takes me out to the airport at 5am.  I only had about 5 hours sleep as I ended up taking longer to clean the apartment and 'fight'with Vodafone.  So sorry that I did not get some of the farewell messages but they stuffed up an disconnected my access early!  Always a late drama.

Anyway, apartment seemed to be pretty clean and ready for Ez and Michael to move right in.  Hope they find it inviting. 

Won't bore you with details of the flight except to say that Melb - Syd leg was fine, Syd to LA was fab as two of us had 4 seats so we high fived in delight and settled right in, spreading ourselves out.  I took the advice of a wise woman re drinking loads of water to combat jet lag....just as well sitting on the aisle and close to the toilet.  Watched Black Swan and King's Speech then took a sleeping tablet...woke up 5 hours later (don't usually take drugs but a little concerned re impact of the long-haul flight on the back).  LA leg to NY was fine also, first time I have been finger printed and xray scanned!

Kitty was standing front and centre at the arrivals lounge when i finally got through NY airport.  Was great seeing her.  Quiet night in, trying to stabilise myself (felt like I had been on a boat for days and couldn't stop swaying.

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