Friday, 8 July 2011

Day 113 - Opatija to Zadar

Buffet breakfast once again, skipped the hot food then made the most of the free morning (bus out of Opatija for Zadar - next stop, not til 12.50pm) and headed straight back to our lounges on the beach.  Have got to know the kabana boy - paid for the lounges, got the umbrella for free!  Al and I are in awe of psycho woman - does so many laps of the beach, then spends the next hour doing stomach crunches, curls, etc.  I feel like a fat blob but am happy!!  This water therapy is so good for the body and soul - never thought I would see such clear water.

Begrudgingly we left the beach and headed to the hotel for a shower before our 6 hour bus ride to Zadar.  Al and I were both expecting to head south down Croatia via ferry but alas it has not been an option to date.  Buses are the only financial option and fortunately run frequently, are clean and comfortable, and affordable.

I spent this bus trip listening to the ipod and watching the landscape.  Northern Croatia is so rocky and lacking in vegetation.  On the right side is the ocean and it is a magnificent blue green colour, so clear that even from the bus windows you can see fish swimming.  On the left are the mountains that rise dramatically.  There were no crops or animals along the way, only the amazing blue water that was so tempting to jump into.  I wish we had photo stops but then again, some things need to just be recorded in the memory (as long as it can before "crowded brain syndrome"or älzheimers"hits that is). 

Lucky for us, the 6 hour bus trip turned into a 5 hour bus trip, and I had a very helpful woman who basically told us that our hotel was too far from the bus station to walk, and advised us to take a taxi.  We are arrived in Zadar, but our accommodation is about 15 min out of town.  Not a problem though, as our hotel is right on the beach and a short taxi ride - brilliant!!  I think we unpacked our bags and were at the bar within 5 minutes.  Al was waiting for word of her friend having a baby - we filled in the time drinking beer, talking to the waiting staff who were really friendly, and eventually had a great dinner (me veal schnitzel and Al lamb cevapici - like kofta).

End of night - too many beers, a relaxing night and excitement about our new place to explore.

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