Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Day 129 - Castles are damp cold things, would never want to live in one!

The Panorama Hotel, our accommodation for the night, served the most amazing breakfast!  There was juice, coffee, pastries, bread, ham, cheese, yoghurt, cereals, fruit, make your own pancakes and the best part was a contraption like a deep fryer, filled with hot water, that you could lower an egg into!!!  Beside it was the old egg timers - one for a minute, one for 3 min, and the other for 5 min.  It was brilliant, my munchkins would love it!!

Choc and I then waddled down through the town one side, crossed over the river, then made our way up the streets to the Castle.  We wandered around for a couple of hours, and even got to watch a falconers demonstration (no idea why called a falconer when he also had an owl, eagle and buzzard-type birds).  Any how, look and see....
View of castle and town from our hotel

Our hotel is up the top - Panorama Hotel
I have no idea why anyone would want to live in a castle during those times...possibly no one did want to live there but had to.  It is cold, damp, and that is in the middle of summer!  Fascinating thing about this castle is that apart from being close to the river, there is an underground spring that continually provides water.  The torture room was really grusome.

We wandered around town, had a hot chocolate then hit the road for Gent.  We did pass through a little town along the way that the Lonely Planet said was quaint, small and white-washed.  It was sort of quaint, extremely small, but only one white-washed building so the details weren't exactly correct.

We arrived back at Choc and Koen's place late afternoon.  Koen went to the Gent Festival that night but Choc and I decided to skip it, instead hiring Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1), as we both want to see part 2 on at the movies.

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