Monday, 22 August 2011

Day 156 - Last day at Farnham

Back to Farnham!!  I am so use to the trip by now.  I met Olly at Farnham train station, and we then met up with Yvie for lunch.  I will really miss this life and the people in it.  We have some great memories now of recent events and are planning a possible trip in the future to Chile together.
I helped Olly choose some material for a blind in her office (love helping other people spend their money!!), then back at the house spent time on skype with Nic planning the finer details of our Malaysia and Hong Kong trip.  We have all the accommodation for Malaysia booked now except Langkawi – all very exciting.  I will then stay with Nic in Hong Kong, and get out during the day whilst she is at work.  Some shopping might be in order!!
For all that Olly and Pat have done for me, I took them to the local pub for dinner and some drinks – my shout.  Olly had raved about the roast lamb shoulder – I was thinking it was as far away from Asian food so ordered it.  It really was spectacular – mint sauce, broad beans, potatoes and really rich thick gravy.  Yummy.  For dessert, the 3 of us shared a chocolate tart that was way too rich but fine if you were having a mouth-full or two. 

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